The Sole E55 elliptical is well know for it’s compact size and high quality. It’s a perfect fit for smaller spaces in your home. Read this review to find out what, exactly what, you should know about this smaller size treadmill from Sole Fitness. I spent the weekend to find out the answer to all your questions. Yours sincerely, John Williams.
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From losing weight and staying fit to getting muscle and recovering after an injury, an elliptical trainer, such as the Sole E55 elliptical from Sole Fitness, becomes the most appropriate choice for anyone out there. It comes with a series of benefits. Take your time and enjoy the possibility to workout from home, without having to worry about getting outside. Moreover, exercise while watching your favorite show or movie. You can do it whenever it rains or snows as well. You do not really feel like working out outdoors on such a fierce weather, do you?
Updated on: Feb 10, 2021
When it comes to buying the right elliptical trainer, your options are so diversified that you barely know what to look for. Sole E55 elliptical is among the front runners, as well as one of the best rated models online. It is one of those units that can satisfy a wide range of customers.
Let’s Get Started With the Sole E55 Ellipticals Features
It is hard to find a negative Sole E55 elliptical review because it has just the right features to make a perfect impression in both newbies and more advanced users. Like it’s siblings, the slightly cheaper Sole E25 elliptical and the full size Sole E35 elliptical (compared here), it comes with a heavy duty steel frame, and it’s offers a smooth and stable ride, only at at smaller size.
Handling the Machine
The machine might look larger than other units, but it is still ergonomically designed for a more comfortable experience.
It weighs a little more than 210 pounds (but still has a weight capacity of 375 lbs.). You probably imagine that moving it around might become a challenge. Wrong! In fact, it comes with transport wheels, so moving it from one place to another will not require any other extra help, unless you are an elder or you have suffered an injury.
Unlike many other alternatives, the Sole E55 elliptical trainer does not have just two wheels. Instead, it comes with both rear and front movement features. If it only had two wheels, you still had to lift it a little in the attempt to move it. It might seem alright for men, but plenty of people may face a series of challenges trying to lift over 200 pounds.
From this point of view, the front and rear moving features allow pushing the machine around.
The Sole Ellipical E55 Flywheel
The flywheel is one of the elements that actually make the difference in elliptical trainers.
You are less likely to find a Sole E55 elliptical review to complain about this aspect. It weighs 20 pounds. It is more than enough to ensure a constant tension. The magnets in its composition make the difference. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the flywheel is installed in the front, which makes storage and maneuverability way simpler.
Keep in mind that only elite trainers exceed 17 pounds in the flywheel weight, so this one is less likely to disappoint you.

Earlier 2013 model flywheel.

Updated model flywheel and foot pedals.
Consider Some Music?
Interested in something fancy to do while exercising? Consider some music.
You do not have to turn the computer or the radio on. Instead, the new Sole E55 model has its own built-in speakers and Bluetooth connectivity. Other than that, they are compatible with every MP3 playing device. Some of these trainers do not accept Apple gadgets though, but this one does. It is also compatible with Apple, so you can play your favorite songs as you exercise.
What can be more relaxing than that?
Intensity and Inclination Angle
No matter what you exercise for, it is smart to also keep an eye on your health.
Exaggerate and you risk facing serious trouble. If you have ever been to the gym or seen people running around, you have probably noticed that many of them have straps to monitor the heart rate. Fortunately, this model has its own heart rate strap. Exercise and feel free to push your limits, but not in terms of health. Exhaust your muscles for a faster growth, but never push farther if your heart rate goes a little over the limits.
Things can get more or less intense with this trainer. Every Sole E55 elliptical review will mention the inclination angle. Reclining the upright design may look complicated, as the whole movement becomes more difficult. This is actually the main role of working out. When there is no pain, there is no gain either. Challenge yourself little by little. The inclination angle goes up to 40 degrees. Plus, this whole mechanism is powered. This extra difficulty allows working on parts of the body that are normally overlooked by classic trainers.
Plus, you got 10 workout programs.
A little customization has never killed anyone.
You got a highly customized set of foot pedals. They got a two degree inward slops, only to clear the pressure and stress off your joints – knees and ankles. The foot pedals also articulate to your pressure points, so they basically fit your walking type.
You can prevent sore tendons and the constant feeling of numbness in your toes.
Track Your Fitness Info
Fitness apps such as FitBit and MyFitnessPal have benefitted from the fitness app from Sole Fitness, Inc. This Android and iOS app has Bluetooth integration capability for use with the Sole Fitness ellipticals. The mobile app has many advantages. It keeps track of exercise data as well as lets the trainee’s mobile device serve as the elliptical control center. It can also be used with the Sole elliptical for making workout selections, and then sent to the background while other apps are used.
Frame and Warranty
Finally, do not overlook the frame either. It can support people in any height or weight. Basically, as long as you weight less than 375 pounds, there is nothing to worry about.
The frame also comes with a lifetime warranty. As for other parts, they are covered for five years.
E55 Pros Reviewed
- Comes with its own heart rate strap
- Built-in speakers and MP3 and Apple compatibility
- Heavy flywheel – 20 pounds
- Easy to move around, despite the weight
- Adjustable foot pedals
- Can support people of up to 375 pounds
- Power adjustable inclination
E55 Cons Reviewed
- Could have used a reading rack
- 10 workout programs are great for newbies and experienced people, but not too diversified for experts
- Console is not adjustable
- Assembly can be a bit daunting
Customer Feedback & Reviews
We’ve been using this Sole E55 elliptical trainer for the last month and have been incredibly impressed with it! It took about two hours to set it up with a couple of my kids helping me – there were a couple times where I was glad I wasn’t doing it by myself. –D Matheny (Amz)
Sole E55 Elliptical Review Summary & Conclusion
In the end, almost every Sole E55 elliptical review is encouraging enough, whether some people appreciate the music or the programs. Generally speaking, this trainer does impress the audience, it is unquestionably recommended as long as you are not an avid enthusiast to exercise for five hours everyday. This model pushes quality bars a little higher. It is smooth and comes with a large console, as well as a few features that you may not find in other alternatives.
Altogether, it makes a great addition to both newbies and more experienced people. Learn to customize it and get to work.
To get further information about the Sole E55 elliptical warranty, availability of free shipping checkout the company website;